Animal Success Stories

We love to hear wonderful stories about how your Doberman changed your life.  To add your story, if you have adopted from us,  please email us at:


All you need is love.....and a dog!






Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

I adopted Zeus from DRAWI about 5 years ago now. I just wanted to give you an update on how he’s been! He’s my first rescue, needless to say he won’t be my last. When I first got him he had some issues of course as any dog in general can. I pin pointed the issues and worked him through to my best ability and watched his confidence and self esteem blossom. He grew an inspiring new found zest for life and has given me the same gift in return. He still doesn’t quite like most male dogs and any high energy in your face dogs but that’s ok with us. I get so many compliments on him and how well behaved he is. Thank you again so much for choosing me to do life with him in it.