Animal Success Stories

We love to hear wonderful stories about how your Doberman changed your life.  To add your story, if you have adopted from us,  please email us at:


All you need is love.....and a dog!






Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Schaetze now known as Riley

It's me,Riley!

 I just turned a year old and I am still full of puppy. I love to run and run outside. My brother can run faster than me but we run together out in the woods. I have been spoiled since day one. I love to challenge my mom daily. It's my way or the highway. I am attached to my mom and dad, I go where they go and don't like when they leave me behind. I am your true velcro dog. My mom makes all these homemade treats and I'm the best taste tester. My brother puts up with me but he is much bigger and does set me straight when I get my daily zoomies. Life is good here!